Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Heartfelt Thanks & Tailgate finds

First off I want to thank everyone who voted for Shannon to have a space makeover from the giveaway over at Vintage Revivals!  What an opportunity to have Mandi come and makeover a project/room for some lucky winner.  Unfortunately we did not make the top 15 to go on to the next round.  What was really awesome is that we placed 12th in votes out of 127 entries!  How awesome is that??  There are a lot of people who care deeply for my Shannon and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!  Now make sure you visit Mandi at Vintage Revivals and vote in the next part of the contest!

Tailgate finds and a Story.....

Last Saturday was a beautiful day and Poppy and I were running around doing errands when he remembered that a local church was having a tailgate sale.

So off we went!  The first table we came to I saw with my little eye a pair of shiny silver/silver plate salt and pepper shakers.....Oooooooo....I pick them up and there was no price on them but on the bottom is said Sterling Silver weighted...they were beauteous!  I asked the lady who was there how much but they weren't hers...her partner came up and told me I had $80 worth of silver in my hand....make me an offer!  Well to be honest I had $20 in my purse and about $6 in my pocket.  He said $60..I said no, He said $30 I said I have $20 in my pocket...he said I'll take $20....I thought I was going to pee myself...I was trying to get the $20 out of my purse when I hear his partner say..."If your selling them for $20 I would buy them"  UGH...he comes over take the silver out of my hand and says he's not going to sell them....GRRRRRR....Not a good start to our tailgating!!  So this is what I did get...

The next table we hit had these...I thought they were interesting and besides silver I love anything crystal and if it's etched...LOVE IT!  So I pick it up and was looking at it and the seller says I have 7 of these and if you like them I'll give them to you for $3.00  SOLD  They are so pretty!  She also had a little silver plate bowl for .10 and a little silver pedestal bowl for $1.00!

To be honest there wasn't much more that I was interested in (except for a couple of books that I hesitated on and when I went back...GONE)

Then Poppy said there was an inside part....hmmmmm...when we went in there was some crafty stuff, some furniture, and a bunch of odds and ends and bits and pieces.  No sooner were we in there when a lady came out of no where and said that everything in the room was now half off....YIKES!!

I came upon a box of bits and pieces of lace and stuff and the box was marked $1.00 for a handful!  I told the lady I have big hands and she said go for it....this is some of what I came out with...

There was so much more but I'm saving some to put into my first giveaway when I reach 100 followers....yea!!

This was pretty much what I scored!  The hand painted bottle was .25, the little bunny basket was .25, the candle sticks were .50 and the pretty old pink bottle ended up being 2.50....there were a couple of other bottles and I could have kicked myself for not getting them but I liked the pink the best. And the itty bitty rooster was a freebie....he was hiding under some stuff and when I asked how much they said give him a nice home....he's a cutie!

So that was my score at the tailgate sale.  I had a good time although I didn't get the stinkin salt and pepper shakers...LOL

Now what to do with it all......


"MeMe" Sue

Debbiedoos is having a FANTASTIC chalk paint giveaway!  Go check it out!!

Another Nifty giveaway at Lina Beas....pop on over here and check it out!

Linking up to the following AWESOME linky parties:

Thrifty Thursday at Tales from Bloggeritaville

Thrifty Things Friday over at The Thrifty Groove

Show and Tell Friday with Cindy at My Romantic Home

Free For All Friday (ffa Friday) at Sassy Sites

Weekend Bloggy Reading at Serenity Now - A Mommy's Solution To Staying Sane

Monday, May 2, 2011

Would You Be So Kind.....

I know I have not been blogging for very long...but I feel as though I've found a niche where wonderful people come to be with other wonderful people to share all their wonderful talents (did I say wonderful) and caring spirits!

I've entered a giveaway to do something special for my oldest daughter who's going through a bit of a rough time.  If you would be so kind to go to Vintage Revivals where the Wonderful (theres that word again) is having the most amazing giveaway to redo a room. 

Once you visit Mandi please scroll down and look for #95 and please cast your vote.  This is really not a vote for me but for my if you would be so kind...we would all appreciate it! 

Voting ends Tuesday!!

Blessings to you all!

MeMe Sue